Events BeHeard      
The band practice space, competitions and gigs offer a safe and welcoming space for teens to kick back and spend their spare time in a positive environment where they are also given the opportunity to practice their music, share and develop new skills, learn about many of the ins and outs of the music, production and performance industry, potentially kick-start a music career and most importantly… to make a lot of noise doing it!
To book a room for band practice, call the Centre on (07) 5529 8087, or visit our booking page by clicking here.
To find out more information about The Rage Amateur Band Competition click here.
The Babysitting Program is a FREE 6 week program designed for young people aged 13-16 who babysit, look after younger brothers and sisters or would like to work with children. To register for this program, please call Karen or Rita on (07) 5529 8087. (and yes, we get both boys AND girls participating in this program! It's lots of fun!!)

The Hip Hop-Erations Course is a new addition to the services we offer here at the Centre for youth. For more information about this program, please click here.

We are also currently seeking expressions of interest in a fishing, canoeing and raft building program. If this sounds like something that you or your friends might enjoy, give us a call and let us know on (07) 5529 8087, or email me at

The Youth Centre has two full-sized beach volleyball courts that we would love to see used more regularly. We are currently seeking expressions of interest in beginning regular Beach Volleyball Games on Saturday mornings. Games will begin at 11am, and will be open to anyone aged 10-16 years. It will be a social game, with mixed teams of both boys and girls of all levels of experience. If this sounds like fun (which it will be!!), come down with your mates and sign up! The sooner you register, the sooner we can get the games started!

Youth Pages
Help and Information Directory

We are always trying to adjust and expand the activities that we have here at the Centre, so if you can think of a service or program that you would like to see us introduce for teens, drop us a line and let us know on the phone number or email address mentioned above.